Privacy Policy


感谢您通过app store转到本页面,本账户下的 app将使用到手机的蓝牙权限、定位权限:

此权限的用途: 1.开启手机定位是获取蓝牙必须要用到的权限;





1. 具体信息,比如姓名、年龄、出生日期、电子邮箱、电话号码、传真号码、手机号码、通讯地址等;
2. 一般性信息,比如您的性别、年龄、职业、教育、收入状况,婚姻家庭状况,兴趣爱好等;
3. 仅在特定情况下(比如您需要付费才能享有的服务或产品,或参加本网站参与或组织的抽奖或竞赛活动),我们会要求您提供个人付款信息和身份证件信息,比如信用卡号码或身份证及护照号码。
4. 我们自动收集的信息。 当您浏览本网站时(不管是否注册或登录),本网站可能自动收集与您相关的如下信息:
a. 您的浏览器类型和浏览器语言、操作系统类型、宽带类型;
b. 您的IP (Internet Protocol)地址,该地址有时可以显示您所在地理位置;
c. 您在本网站内浏览过的页面、广告和链接;
d. 您访问本网站时发出的访问请求及其日期、时间和引荐网址(如有);
e. 通过Cookie标注您的浏览器的唯一性和在本网站的账户信息(包括您访问本网站的各项活动、浏览习惯、消费习惯、账户信息等);您可以通过修改浏览器设置的方式拒绝cookie,如果您拒绝cookie,您可能无法使用依赖于cookie才能提供的本网站服务或功能; 我们可能会使用浏览器网络存储(包括 HTML 5)和应用程序数据缓存等机制,在您的设备上收集和存储您所浏览过的网页信息; 当您使用本网站提供的具有定位功能的服务时,我们可能会收集并处理有关您实际所在位置的信息(例如移动设备发送的GPS信号),我们还可能使用各种技术进行定位,例如来自您设备的传感器数据就可以提供附近Wi-Fi接入点和移动运营商基站的信息。


我们仅在必要的情况下(比如完成一项特定交易、参加一项优惠活动或有奖竞赛活动或根据法律法规要求)使用您的付款信息和个人身份证信息。 关于您的其他个人信息,我们主要应用于如下方面:
1. 根据您的要求向您提供特定服务、产品或信息;
2. 授权您参加一项活动,比如调查问卷、网上论坛或优惠抽奖等;
3. 代表本网站客户、我们的关联公司、其他第三方等向您提供或发送电子资讯,广告信息,个性化广告或优惠信息;
4. 分析用户对本网站的使用方式和使用习惯,以便改进我们的服务;
5. 阻止违法或潜在违法行为,阻止违反本网站用户协议的行为;以及我们在收集特定信息时向您披露的其他用途;

1. 获得您的同意。在您同意的情况下,我们可能会与第三方商业伙伴分享您的个人信息。
2. 授权的第三方服务提供者。我们可能会与第三方服务提供者分享信息,这些第三方服务提供者帮助我们提供专业服务,包括客户支持、电子邮件和短信应用、商业分析、市场推广和数据处理等。
3. 竞赛或促销。当您选择参加一项竞赛或促销或其他类似活动,则根据该活动规则,您的信息可能会被披露给赞助商、供应商和其他协助我们设计、管理和实施该项活动的第三方服务提供者,这些第三方服务提供者可能包括竞赛评委,奖品提供者,奖品快递者和整体数据分析者。您的信息还可能跟法律法规的要求被披露。此外,如果您报名参加一项活动,您将被视 为同意遵守该项活动的规则,包括允许本网站赞助商使用您的名字、声音和图片进行广告和市场推广活动。
4. 重大交易。我们可能会在公司重大交易时披露您的信息,比如出售、并购和破产。
5. 法律法规或公权力部门要求。我们可能会根据法院、政府等执法机构或法律法规的要求向其披露用户信息。
6. 保护本网站和其他方利益。我们可能会为了保护本网站,本网站员工和用户、本网站合作伙伴和其他公众的合法权利、利益和安全而披露用户信息。
7. 第三方合作伙伴。如果您通过我们的网站申请参加线上或线下优惠等活动,您的个人信息可能会提供给相关第三方以便及时沟通和参加线下活动。

我们承诺尽力保护您的个人信息,我们使用各种制度、安全技术和程序等措施来保护您的个人信息不被未经授权的访问、 使用或泄露。但是请理解数据的传输和存储不存在100%的安全,因此我们不能向您绝对保证上述个人信息的安全性。

您可以选择浏览和使用本网站的信息而不提供您的个人信息,但是如上所述,某些信息可能会被自动收集。同时,本网站 的特定信息和服务仅在您提供相关注册信息后方能使用,如果您无法提供此类信息,可能会不能使用对应服务。

如果您注册了本网站,您可以随时查阅或编辑您提交给本网站的个人信息,但出于安全性和身份识别的考虑,您可能无法 修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其他验证信息。

本网站的部分服务允许用户发布自己的信息、视频、照片、观点、博客等等,请注意上述内容自发布之时起成为公开信息, 请在公布您的联系信息、财务信息或其他个人信息之前做出谨慎判断。我们将无法阻止上述信息以不符合本隐私权声明和 适用法律法规的方式被使用。此外,上述信息发布受限于本网站的服务协议。





Effective Date: April 20, 2023 (Last Review Date: April 19, 2022)

In this Privacy Policy, we describe how Shenzhen Dingcheng Litian Technology Co., Ltd. (“GREATIC”, “we” or “our”) collects, uses and discloses your information. We also describe your rights and choices regarding our use of your information.

This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect about users of the GREATIC website (, GREATIC mobile applications and GREATIC connected products (e.g. mugs or accessories). We refer to our websites, mobile applications, GREATIC Networked Products, and the services provided through and related to them collectively as the "Services". Your use of the Services is governed by this Privacy Policy .

Information collected through the Services is controlled by GREATIC, headquartered in China. The mailing address of GREATIC is 418, C33 Kechuang Park, No. 131, Yu'an 2nd Road, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


This Privacy Policy contains the following sections:

  1. The Information We Collect
  2. How We Use Your Information
  3. Legal Bases for Use of Your Information
  4. Cookies and Similar Technologies
  6. International Users
  7. How We Protect Your Information
  8. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
  9. Contact Information



We obtain a variety of information from and about you as you use the Services. Please note that we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Services to you. If you do not provide us with certain information, or ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use our Services. For example, if you are a customer but do not provide us with your billing information, we won’t be able to fulfill your orders.

Information You Provide to Us

GREATIC collects information directly from you through your use of our Services. For example,

GREATIC collects information from you through:

  1. Your account registration and administering your account
  2. Processing and fulfilling your orders
  3. Your communications and dealings with us (including on our website and interactive chat function, mobile app, on third-party social media sites, and by mail or email)
  4. Your reviews, comments, and other posts to our Services
  5. Your requests for customer support and technical assistance

We will collect any information that you choose to provide to us.The information we collect generally includes your name, login information (password and email), contact information (address and phone number), and billing and payment information, as well as details about your orders and customer service interactions with us.
You may also submit, post, upload, or otherwise make available (collectively, “Post”) certain content through our Services. For example, you may Post reviews, ratings, pictures, and other content such as videos, questions, comments, ideas, designs, features, plans, and other feedback (collectively, “User Content”). User Content may be publicly viewable by other users. For example, if you post a rating or review, then that rating or review will be displayed along with your name and geographic location, if you choose to provide such information. 

If you request that your Ember purchase be shipped to someone other than yourself (such as a gift recipient), we use the information you provide about the other person to fulfill the shipment.

Information We Collect Through Automated Means

When you use our Services or connect your GREATIC product to our Services, we collect certain information automatically as described in this section. We and our service providers (which are third-party companies that work on our behalf) may use a variety of technologies, including cookies and similar tools, to assist in collecting this information. You can learn more about our use of cookies and similar tools in the “Cookies and Similar Technologies” section below.

Website.When you use our website, we collect and analyze information such as your IP address, browser characteristics, device IDs and characteristics, operating system, the state or country from which you accessed the Services, referring and exit pages and URLs, platform type, the number of clicks, files you download, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time you used the Services and upload or post content, error logs, language preferences, and other similar information.

Mobile App. When you use our mobile app, we and our service providers automatically receive certain information about the mobile phone, tablet, or computer used to access the app, including a mobile device identifier, IP address, operating system, version, whether and when you update the app and your connected GREATIC products, date and time of use, duration of use, and how you use the app. We also collect data through the mobile app that is generated from use of the GREATIC product, such as product settings, preferred warm beverage types, temperatures.

Our service providers also may collect and combine diagnostic and usage information collected on the mobile app with other information about your online activities over time, including use of other devices, websites, or apps, if such services also use the same vendors. Please see the Privacy Policy & Settings menu in our mobile app if you would like to opt out of the disclosure of such diagnostic and usage information with us and our service providers.

Location Information. When you use the Services, we and our service providers collect general location information from your computer or mobile device. “General” location information means information about the city and state in which your device is located based on its IP address. This information allows us to give you access to content that varies based on your general location.

We will ask your permission before collecting your precise GPS location information. In such instances, we will use your precise geo-location information to provide customized services, content, promotional offers, and other information that may be of interest to you. Please note that precise geolocation information is considered “sensitive personal information” under certain privacy laws, and we process this information in accordance with applicable legal requirements. You can disable geo-location tracking on your device. For more information, see the “Your Privacy Rights Regarding Your Information” section below.

Information We Collect from Other Content Providers or Social Media Platforms

If you connect your GREATIC product to other content providers (e.g., Google Assistant or Apple Siri) or social media platforms (such as through a social media log-in feature), such providers allow us and our service providers to have access to and store additional information about your interaction with those providers as it relates to use of the Services (e.g., we will receive the information that you clicked the Google Assist/Siri button and the date and time of doing so, etc.). If you do not wish to have this information disclosed, do not initiate these connections.

When you “like” or “follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or other social media sites, we may collect some information from you including your name, e-mail address, and any comments or content you post relevant to us. We also collect your information if you sign up for one of our promotions or submit information to us through social media sites.

Information We Collect from Others

We may also receive additional information, such as demographic and statistical information, from third parties, such as business partners, marketers, researchers, analysts, and other parties that we may attribute to you based on your assignment to certain statistical groups.


We and our service providers use the information described above to accomplish the following business and operational purposes:

  • Provide the Services

Administer your account, including to process your registration and verify your information
Provide, manage, and improve the Services, including fulfilling your orders

  • Communicate with you and provide support

Provide you with updates and information about your orders or purchases
Respond to your requests for information and provide you with more effective and efficient customer service, including through our interactive chat functions

  • Business Operations

Conduct internal business operations in support of our Services, such as auditing, security, resolving crashes, preventing fraud, invoicing and accounting, sales and marketing, analytics, and research and development

  • Marketing and content customization

Contact you regarding GREATIC and third-party products, services, surveys, research studies, promotions, special events, and other subjects that we think may be of interest to you
Customize content, preferences, and advertising on the Services and other services

  • Legal purposes

Comply with the laws, regulations, and other legal process and procedures
Establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights
Take steps that we reasonably believe to be necessary to protect the safety, security, and rights of Ember, its employees, service providers, and others

Please note that we may combine the information we collect through the Services with information that we collect automatically or receive from other sources and use such combined information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We may also aggregate, de-identify, and/or anonymize any information collected through the Services in such a way that we cannot reasonably link information to you or your device. We may use such aggregate, de-identified, or anonymous information for any purpose, including without limitation for research and marketing purposes.


Some countries require that companies only process your “Personal Data” (as that term is defined in such applicable laws) if they have a “legal basis” (or justifiable need) for processing your Personal Data. To the extent those laws apply, our legal bases for processing Personal Data are as follows:

  • Where your Personal Data is necessary to perform our obligations pursuant to a contract (or pending contract) with you. For example, we will process your Personal Data to comply with our Terms of Service to enter into a contract with you, and to honor our commitments in any contracts that we have with you.
  • Where your Personal Data is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others. For example, we will process your Personal Data to operate our business and our Services; identify and fix any issues with our Services; provide security for our Services; learn more about how our customers use the Services; perform internal analytics and research concerning the Services; improve the Services and users’ experiences with the Services; test and create new Services; provide you with information about new products, special offers or other information that we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided; ensure safe environments for our employees; make and receive payments; comply with legal requirements and defend our legal rights; prevent fraud; and to know the customer to whom we are providing Services.
  • Where use of your Personal Data is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations. For example, we will process your Personal Data to comply with tax and employment laws.
  • Where we have your consent. For example, where a country requires that we obtain your consent before we process certain data, we will seek your consent in accordance with those countries’ requirements.


To collect the information in the “Information We Automatically Collect” section above, we and our service providers use Internet server logs, cookies, tags, tracking pixels, and other similar tracking technologies. We use these technologies in order to offer you a more tailored experience in the future by understanding and remembering your particular browsing preferences.

  • A web server log is a file where website activity is stored.
  • A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website, and it enables us to: (i) recognize your computer; (ii) store your preferences and settings; (iii) understand the web pages of the Services you have visited; (iv) enhance your user experience by delivering and measuring the effectiveness of content and advertising tailored to your interests; (v) perform searches and analytics; and (vi) assist with security and administrative functions.
  • Tracking pixels (sometimes referred to as web beacons or clear GIFs) are tiny electronic tags with a unique identifier embedded in websites, online ads, and/or email that are designed to: (i) collect usage information like ad impressions or clicks and email open rates; (ii) measure popularity of the Services and associated advertising; and (iii) access user cookies.

As we adopt additional technologies, we may also gather information through other methods.

Please note that you can change your settings to notify you when a cookie is being set or updated, or to block cookies altogether. Please consult the “Help” section of your browser for more information (e.g., Internet ExplorerGoogle ChromeMozilla Firefox; or Apple Safari). Please note that by blocking, disabling, or managing any or all cookies, you may not have access to certain features or offerings of the Services.


The Services are intended for general audiences and not for children. If we become aware that we have collected “personal information” (as defined by the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) from children under the age of 13 without parental consent, we will take reasonable steps to delete it as soon as possible. We also do not knowingly process Personal Data of EU residents under the age of 16 without parental consent. If we become aware that we have collected data from an EU resident under the age of 16 without parental consent, we will take reasonable steps to delete it as soon as possible. We also comply with other age restrictions and requirements in accordance with applicable local laws.

6.International Users

Please note that, in providing services to you, GREATIC may subcontract the processing of your data to, or otherwise disclose your data to, GREATIC affiliates and subsidiaries, trusted service providers, and trusted business partners in countries other than your country of residence, including the United States and Canada, in accordance with applicable law. Such third parties may be engaged in, among other things, the provision of Services to you, the processing of transactions, and/or the provision of support services. By providing us with your information, you acknowledge any such transfer, storage, or use.

If you live in the EEA, please note that, if we provide any information about you to any non-EEA GREATIC affiliates or subsidiaries or third-party information processors, we will take appropriate measures to ensure such companies protect your information adequately in accordance with this Privacy Policy. These measures include signing Standard Contractual Clauses in accordance with EU and other data protection laws to govern the transfers of such data. For more information about these transfer mechanisms, please contact us as detailed in the “Contact Information” section below.

If applicable, you may make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you are based. Alternatively, you may seek a remedy through local courts if you believe your rights have been breached.


We take measures to protect your information against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access. However, no method of transmission over the internet, and no means of electronic or physical storage, is absolutely secure. By using our Services, you acknowledge and accept that we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to, through, or on our Services and that any such transmission is at your own risk.


We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. We will make the revised Privacy Policy accessible through the Services, so you should review the Privacy Policy periodically. You can know if the Privacy Policy has changed since the last time you reviewed it by checking the “Effective Date” at the beginning of this Privacy Policy. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will provide you with notice in accordance with legal requirements. By continuing to use the Services, you are confirming that you have read and understood the latest version of this Privacy Policy.


If you wish to contact us or have any questions about or complaints in relation to this Privacy Policy, please email us at

Shenzhen Dingcheng Litian Technology Co., Ltd.
Attn: Privacy Compliance
418, C33 Science and Technology Park, No. 131, Yu'an 2nd Road, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China